The Financial Education Training Course
We present the important and distinctive "Financial Education" course. This course was organized in the hall of Al-Hadbaa Youth and Sports Forum in Mosul, by the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the Lutheran Federation. The course was designed to be intensive and effective, spanning over 5 days, with 8 training hours each day, making the total number of course hours 40 training hours.
The aim of this course is to equip participants with strong and practical knowledge in the field of financial literacy, and to enhance their ability to make informed financial decisions.
This course was attended by 24 people, distributed among 6 women, 8 rural residents, and 10 from other categories. This distribution represents the diversity and inclusiveness that we always strive to achieve in all our training programs.
The Trainer
The course was taught by Yahya Abed Mahgoob. Yahya the chairman of the East Gate Center has extensive experience in the field of financial education and has a rich record of delivering fruitful and beneficial training courses.
This course was offered from 05/12/2022 to 09/12/2022.
The Future
Thanks to the great success this course has achieved, we plan to offer more similar courses in the future. We invite all interested individuals in the community to join future courses and take advantage of this great opportunity to enhance their financial knowledge.